
My name is Justin Close and this blog is acting as a digital portfolio of sorts. I will be posting work that I have done in the past that showcases my talents and abilities. Feel free to look around and comment on anything I have posted.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

English 204: Designing Digital Sound & Video

In this class we were given access to a base-model miniDV camcorder and editing software (Sony Vegas). With these basic tools we were given the opportunity to create three videos throughout the duration of the course. The first video was to be a 30-second advertisement, the second a 1-minute instructional video, and the final video was a 5-minute narrative video. During class hours, we spent time analyzing the rhetoric of film. Components such as angle, lighting, sound, etc. were all discussed, and how any alteration of these can produce a differing effect on the audience. 

For the final project, my group and I decided to create a Rocky-esque montage. This is not the final edit of the video, unfortunately I lost that when one of my hard drives crashed. However, this version is fairly close to what the final edit would've been.

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